today11 mai 2009 15

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Funky & Groovy Music Records Lexicon

La bible pour les diggers d’albums et 45t Funky.
Le suisse Peter Wermelinger répertorie dans cet épais livre les albums Funk et Soul en vinyle sortis en dehors des sentiers battus.
Vous n’y trouverez pas la discographie de grand groupes ayant déjà une littérature mais de plus obscurs artistes méritant tout autant l’intérêt du passionné.

460 Pages (Format A4) and 1.750Kg Weight
Please keep in mind, that this book, compared with many other books, has a larger page format A4 (210x297mm) instead of A5 (148x210mm)!

> Introduction … Who, why, what, how and more …)
> What’s Funk? … 40 Years of Funky Music (Explanations, Analysis and more)
> How To Start Collecting? … Helpful information for new collectors
> LPs/CDs/12″Reference- Guide … ~7800 funky LPs/CDs/12″ titles listed
> LP-Cover-Picture-Gallery … 1280 cover-pictures of the most sought after LPs
> 12″s-Picture-Gallery … 80 label-pictures of important 12″ releases
> CDs-Picture-Gallery … 60 cover-pictures of important CD-only releases
> 45s-Reference-Guide … ~ 5880 funky 45s titles listed
> 45s-Label-Picture-Gallery … 1600 label-pictures of most sought after 45s
> Disc-Dating/Deadwax-Marks … Introduction to decoded numbering-systems
> Internet-Links to Funk- Recources … some important sites

Information is an important (if not the most important) key ressource for a successfull colleting, especially if you have a limited budget.Digging through the crates you should know how your most wanted records look like, to not oversee them. You should know the details about label-number and more, not to buy bootlegs or reprints by accident for the price of an original. You should know whether it is a very rare/valuable record or not, if you intend to buy a record you’ve probably never heard from, at an appropriate price.

With this reference-guide you get access to the cumulated knowledge of over 20 years in colleting funky music records.

(Source: Wegofunk)

Écrit par: Phil

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